Train to become a
Certified Forest Therapy Guide

With the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs 


I trained to become a Certified Forest Therapy Guide in 2015. It was the best decision I ever made!

Now I am a senior trainer and advisor for the The Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs. Yes, am biased about this training, but I also truly feel it is the best, most comprehensive guide training available.

If you are interested in becoming a guide, and would like to train with me, consider signing up for one of the cohorts I am teaching

Nadine Mazzola Certified Forest Therapy Guide - 20230930 IMG_0023 1x1a
ANFT logo Certified Guide circle

Train with me in my upcoming trainings

Hope to see you there!

Visit The Association of Nature and Forest Therapy website at for more information or email