1-1 Training for Guides Learning How to Offer People/Dog Forest Therapy Walks and Workshops

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Forest Bathing with Your Dog Walk Nadine Mazzola - 20181028_130052

1-1 Training for Guides Learning How to Offer People/Dog Forest Therapy Walks and Workshops

We do the training in one call (about 60-90 min) and you are welcome to text/voice-text with any follow-up questions that bubble up or situations that arise. 

On our call, we’ll discuss:

  • How to set things up before the class

  • A few different ways to run the session/workshop

  • Ways of doing different invitations

  • Things to avoid

If this is something you'd like to do, I'd love to support you in your endeavor. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Total due $98

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