Nadine Mazzola speaking at the Essex County Trail Association Annual Meeting

Nadine speaking at the Essex County Trail Association Annual Meeting

Have Nadine Mazzola speak or do a workshop for your group or organization.


“I just wanted to say how much everyone enjoyed the talk you gave at ECTA's annual meeting. Your presentation was wonderful. In fact, I don't think I've ever heard so many questions following a talk! Great interest!! I hope to make it on one of your walks sometime soon. Thank you again!” Susan Lawrence, Chair, ECTA Board of Directors

I wanted to extend our deepest gratitude and thanks on behalf of our Wellness Committee and mental health staff for sharing your time and knowledge with our group today. I heard from many how much they enjoyed your presentation and plan to reach out regarding future partnership. Thank you also for the resources you provided. We’ll be sharing them in our newsletter. —Mollie Monaco, LICSW, Human Resource Department, Beth Israel Lahey Health Behavioral Services

"We hosted Nadine for a Library program in June 2022, and she was fabulous! Our patrons were very engaged in learning more about Forest Bathing techniques and tips, and I heard nothing but positive feedback from our attendees. Her presentation was informative and engaging - matching her enthusiasm and mastery of the subject. Nadine was also professional in all of our conversations, and super easy to work with. I would highly recommend hosting her expertise at future engagements!" —Lydia Gravell, Lunenburg Public Library

“Forest bathing was a refreshing new experience for our garden club members. I am delighted to give Nadine an enthusiastic thumbs up. She was organized and easy to work with, a good communicator. Our meditative walk through the woods was really memorable. Very enjoyable and interesting. You should do it!"  —Margaret Pantridge, Noanett Garden Club

Upcoming Presentations

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  • 2024

Past Presentations Include

  • AARP Massachusetts

  • Appalachian Mountain Club

  • Emerson Auxiliary Wellness Series

  • Beth Israel Lahey Health Behavioral Services Wellness Wednesdays Series

  • Essex County Trail Association, Essex, MA

  • Oak Openings Metro Parks, Toledo, OH

  • East Quabbin Land Trust, Hardwick, MA

  • Lincoln Garden Club, Lincoln, MA

  • Seaside Garden Club, Manchester, MA

  • The Trustees (of Reservations) annual
    All Staff Meeting, Ipswich, MA

  • Virginia Thurston Healing Garden, Harvard, MA

  • Bolton Senior Center, Bolton, MA

  • Hilltown Land Trust, Ashfield, MA

  • Sudbury Valley Trustees, Sudbury, MA

  • East Quabbin Land Trust, Hardwick, MA

  • New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill/Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Boylston, MA

  • Appalachian Mountain Club

  • Worcester Public Library

  • Lunenburg Public Library

  • Greenbelt | Essex County's Land Trust

Nadine Mazzola leading an interactive workshop for the Lincoln Garden Club.

Nadine leading a workshop for the Lincoln Garden Club.

“Thanks so much for a wonderful program this morning for our garden club! I have received already several emails from members who enjoyed the presentation, especially on a snowy day like today.” Beverly W., Weeds & Seeds Garden Club

“Nadine’s Forest Bathing presentation was perfect for our horticulture meeting this morning. I was so pleased with how it all went and I have gotten lots of positive feedback from members who attended as well as from members who heard about it and were sorry they missed it. Thank you so much. It was a pleasure working with you.” Marilyn B. Lincoln Garden Club